Pamela Gay

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HOMECOMING - The Installation

I received a New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) award in creative nonfiction (April 1999) for my work on HOMECOMING and a grant from the New York State Council of the Arts (NYSCA) (March 2000) for an installation of HOMECOMING (text, images, & artifacts), October 13-28, 2000 at the Art Mission Gallery, Binghamton, New York. This installation was also showcased at the New York State Conference on the Arts in Ithaca, New York. In March 2001, at the Festival of the Book, Charlottesville, Virginia, HOMECOMING received an Independent e-Book Award designed to recognize talent in digital storytelling, which was quite new at the time. (Notice the hyperlinks!) In April 2001, I was invited with Rachelle Moore, who created the virtual environment that became part of the "actual" installation, to talk about our collaboration at the Computers in Art and Design Education (CADE) Conference sponsored by the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland. An article I wrote based on this experience ("Installation Art: Actual Meets Virtual") was published in Digital Creativity, an international journal, Vol. 12, No. 4, Fall 2001: 229-235. (A version of this article also appeared in "Issues in Art," New York Art Guide.)

Writing & Images Copyright © 2000 by Pamela Gay